QPL Background: How We Got Here
The Questa Public Library is the result of local volunteer effort and countywide and statewide financial support. The Founding Questa Public Library Committee (Gail Buchanan, Judy Cuddihy, Esther Garcia, Kimber MacDonald) first met on November 24th, 2003, with the Village of Questa administrator, Brent Jaramillo, to explore the possibility of establishing a public library in Questa.
The intention was for the library to benefit not only the Village of Questa but also the entire rural population of northern Taos County. The Village agreed that this resource needed to be developed, and established the Questa Public Library by Village ordinance on April 13, 2004.

Key to making the library a reality was the donation soon thereafter of a portable building by Pojoaque Pueblo and the first of two grants from the New Mexico State Legislature for the renovation of the building. Also critical was a grant from the Taos County Commissioners for the purchase of bookshelves and furniture for the renovated library building as well as grants from the Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation and Molycorp.
Once the physical plant was completed, an enthusiastic group of generous volunteers collected and prepared the books, DVDs, videotapes, and other resources for circulation and worked to set up the Library in preparation for opening. The library opened to the public on January 19th, 2008, with an open house attended by many members of the community.

Founding donors made it possible
Many local businesses and individuals, as well as granting agencies, provided the initial funds, goods, and services to the nascent library; their contributions were critical in making the library a reality for our community. The Friends of the Questa Public Library is now engaged in fund raising to develop the Library further.
The Libri Foundation provides new, quality children’s books to small, rural libraries. Once every three years we are eligible to receive the grant. The Friends, with your generous donations, raised $350 last year. Libri added $700 plus another $350 for science and math books. We are building our picture book collection.
A DUC (Distribution to Underserved Communities) grant has enabled our library to display contemporary art books. After four years, we have moved the art books to their own special book shelf. There are art collections, museum books and artist’s writings.
Local grants have been received from Chevron Mine, Kit Carson, and Peoples Bank. Their donations have enabled us to purchase computers for the library, reference books, and website design. MORE?
Kids Need to Read also provides wonderful, fun books to read. Last summer we had many new books—some series—for young adults. All new books were here in time for the Summer Reading Program.
The New Mexico Library Foundation supports identified needs of New Mexico libraries by providing grants to libraries to build and maintain their collections, update information access technology and enhance library programs.