
Policies, Rules & Documents
QPL Circulation Policies
- Adult books, including Audio Books, may be checked out for 4 weeks.
- Teen, YA, and Picture books may be checked out for 2 weeks
- Videos and DVDs may be checked out for 1 week. DVD’s are counted as the number of actual DVD’s in a case, box, or folder.
- A maximum of 6 items per card is allowed. An item is a book, an audio book, a VHS tape, or a DVD. There is a limit of 3 items per card when a new card is activated.
- Renewals may be made by phone or in person if the item is not on reserve, limited to 1 renewal per item. A renewal is defined as 2 weeks for books and 1 week for VHS and DVD’s.
- Fines for overdue items are $.10 per business day with a maximum of $15. Replacement cost will be charged for lost or damaged items.
- When items become more than 6 months overdue, a patron will no longer be able to check out materials or use public computers.
Confidentiality Policy
Personal identifiable information about Library patrons and their use of the Questa Public Library is private. The library shall not disclose such information to anyone except in the following cases:
- If required by law, pursuant to a valid subpoena, warrant, court order or other investigatory document;
- On written consent of the patron; orc
- When absolutely necessary for the effective operation of the library, and then to the narrowest extent possible.
All requests for information must be addressed to the director, who shall consult with legal counsel when appropriate.
Patrons who use library services requiring personal identifiable information are entitled to view their own records.
Patrons who fail to return materials in a timely manner will be deemed to have waived their right to confidentiality insofar as is necessary for the library to retrieve the missing material or secure appropriate compensation for its loss.
The library will make a good-faith effort to notify patrons of any changes in the law or policies pertaining to library use that may affect patrons’ privacy or intellectual freedom.
Patrons who have questions, concerns, or complaints about the library’s handling of their privacy and confidentiality rights should file written comments with the director. All such comments will be investigated, and responded to when appropriate.
Supplementary information
Policy rationale. Questa Public Library’s commitment to patrons’ privacy and confidentiality is rooted not only in the law but in the ethics and practices of librarianship as defined by the American Library Association and affirmed by the Advisory Board of the Questa Public Library.
The possibility of surveillance, whether direct or through access to records of speech, research and exploration, undermines a democratic society. Therefore, the library will no share data on any individual with third parties unless required by law, directed by that patron, or compelled by circumstances relating to the library’s effective function.
Patrons should be aware that the USA PATRIOT Act and other recently enacted laws, regulations, and guidelines increase the likelihood that their activities, including their use of computers to browse the Web or access e-mail, may be under government surveillance without their knowledge or consent. Under the Act, the FBI may obtain access to all personally identifiable information, including books and other materials checked out; books and other materials borrowed through interlibrary loan; and notes taken by librarians when helping patrons with questions. The Act also prohibits library personnel from notifying a patron under suspicion, the press, or anyone else that an investigation is underway.
General Meeting Room Policy
Educational, civic, cultural, and government groups may use the library meeting rooms if they agree, in writing to follow all rules and regulations established by the Questa Public Library for the use of the space. The meeting rooms will be available to all groups who have an open membership policy and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, national origin, religion, or physical disabilities.
Meeting Room Use Policy – At this time, we do not have a public meeting room available.
Questa Public Library and Friends of the Questa Public Library programs have priority over other group’s programs in the meeting room. Otherwise, use of the meeting rooms is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Request to use the meeting rooms must be made with the Questa Public Librarian.
All meetings shall be open to the public.
Rooms may be used for educational, cultural, informational or governmental/civic activities and may include public lectures, panel discussions, workshops or other similar functions.
The meeting rooms will not be made available for individual use, social
gatherings, charitable or political fund-raising.
All meetings must be free of charge. While using the meeting room, parties shall not engage in commercial or monetary activity. This means no materials may be sold, nor donations solicited. No money shall change hands. Contracts may not be solicited into in the meeting room.
The meeting rooms are available during regular library hours or through special prior arrangements with the Librarian when the Library is closed. The signer for the group must meet with the Librarian and review the security procedures for the use of the rooms after hours.
The scheduled group is responsible for setting up chairs and equipment prior to the meeting. The room must be left in a clean and orderly condition.
Light refreshments, but no alcoholic beverages, may be served. The group is responsible for clean up and removal of trash.
Signs and posters shall not be attached to the library walls or furniture.
There is no charge for use of the meeting rooms, but donations to the library fund or Friends of the Library are always appreciated.
The Library or the Village of Questa will not be held responsible for the loss of, or damage to, personal property of group members while on the premises.
Meeting Facility Forms must be completed and submitted by an adult who shall be personally responsible for the conduct of the meeting, adherence to regulations, and payment of any fees or charges due to damage of the library property while on the premises.
Library Volunteers
Job Description
Nature of work: Under general supervision, performs a variety of duties of routine nature in dealing with library materials, preparing and supporting programming, and raising awareness of the library in the community.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities
- Shelf reading
- Shelving books and materials
- Cleaning shelves
- Homebound delivery
- Displays/art projects
- Adult programming
- Children’s programming
- Summer library programming
- Preparing books for shelving
- Covering books
- A belief in the Public Library as a crucial component of American society
- A desire to assist the library as a non-paid professional
- Some knowledge of approved library or clerical procedures and methods
- Ability to adapt to frequent changes in priorities
- Ability to follow oral and written instructions in English
- Ability to adhere to prescribed library routines, policies and objectives
Patron Rules of Conduct
It is the intention of the Questa Public Library to provide library visitors with quality service in a safe and pleasant atmosphere. The “basic rule” of patron conduct, therefore, is that library patrons are expected to refrain from any conduct that disturbs library users or staff, or hinders others from using the library or library materials.
Patrons who fail to observe this basic rule will be asked to discontinue the unacceptable behavior, and may, if the behavior continues, be asked to leave the library for the remainder of the day. If the patron fails to leave or causes a disturbance, the police will be called.
At the discretion of the Library Director, or Associate Library Director, a longer suspension of library privileges will be imposed. If required, a criminal trespass procedure may be invoked to enforce this suspension.
Conduct which has been specifically identified as unacceptable includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Loud or disruptive behavior;
- Damage, destruction or theft of library property;
- Failure to observe computer workstation policies and guidelines;
- Absence of proper public attire. Shoes and shirts are required;
- Use of the library while under the influence of any controlled substance or intoxicant;
- Abandoning, neglecting or leaving young children unattended;
- Bringing into the library any skateboards, scooters, or animals except service animals;
- Selling, soliciting or panhandling (approaching others with items for sale or pleas for donations.)
- Harassing other library users or staff, through physical, sexual or verbal abuse, including the use of offensive language.
Children are welcome and encouraged to visit the Questa Public Library. Library staff is concerned with the safety and welfare of children on library property, but cannot assume the role of parent or caregiver. A child under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver AND the parent/caregiver must remain in the same area of the library as the child. If taking the place of a parent, a caregiver must be at least 14 years old and must have with them emergency contact information for the child they are attending.
QPL Collection Policy
Responsibility For Selection
The librarian is responsible for the selection of library materials. Purchase suggestions from the public and volunteers are encouraged and are given serious consideration within the framework of the Collection Policy as determined by the Questa Public Library Advisory Board.
Criteria For Selection
The library will provide a variety of materials which may include books, videocassettes, DVDs, and books on compact disc or audiocassettes. Selection of all library materials shall be made in consideration of the following:
- contemporary significance or permanent value
- popular demand, even if not enduring in value, interest or accuracy
- purpose and quality of the material
- representation of important viewpoint, trend, or cultural movement
- author’s reputation, skill, and significance
- listing in professionally recognized selection aids
- favorable reviews in professional, literary, or general periodicalssuitability of physical form for library use (size, paper, print, binding)
- price, format, and ease of use
- scarcity of information in subject areas
- size and extent of the current materials budgetmaterials of regional interest
- present and potential needs of the community
Materials are neither excluded nor proscribed because of the race, nationality, political, social, or religious views of the author, or because of diverse views of individuals or groups within the community.
Areas Of Limited Acquisition
Selection of materials in certain areas is limited to general or basic works which are not too specialized or considered beyond the province of public library service. These areas include:
Textbooks: The library will not attempt to supply textbooks or other materials required for coursework, but may provide supplemental materials.
Genealogy: The library will not supply specialized genealogy sources.
Religious Materials: The library will endeavor to build religious collections which offer a broad spectrum of information on all major religions and religious philosophies. Materials which proselytize, propagandize, or foster intolerance toward other religions will not knowingly be included in the library’s collection.
Gifts shall meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials. Gifts are subject to the following limitations: (1) the library retains unconditional ownership; (2) the library makes the final decision on acceptance, use, or disposition.
When the library receives a cash gift for the purchase of materials, the general nature of subject area of the purchase will be based upon the wishes of the donor. Selection of specific titles will be made by the library in accordance with the needs and selection policy of the library.
Access to Collection Materials
All library materials are available for use by all patrons. Access to materials is ensured by the way materials are organized, managed, and displayed, through staff interaction, and through the delivery of materials.
The library organizes its collection through a standards-based cataloging and classification system. The library participates in interlibrary loan networks to make materials not in the collection available for patrons. Electronic resources are also made accessible through web-based environments.
To ensure equitable and efficient access, materials may be subject to use limitations. Remote electronic access to the library catalog and electronic resources is provided within technical, budgetary, and licensing constraints.
Withdrawal Of Materials
To ensure a vital collection of continued value to the community, materials which have outlived their usefulness may be withdrawn. An up-to-date and useful collection is maintained by retaining or replacing essential material, and removing, on a systematic and continuous basis, those works that are worn, outdated, of little historical significance, or no longer in demand.
Responsibility Of Patrons
The choice of library materials by users is an individual matter. Responsibility for the use of library materials by children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection should not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may inadvertently come into the possession of children. The library does not stand in loco parentis.
While a person may reject material for himself or herself and for his or her children, an individual may not exercise censorship to restrict the freedom of others to read, see, or hear. It is not the purpose of the library to stimulate or to cater to trivial, antisocial, prurient, or immoral interests. But no one, least of all a free public library, has the right to judge what another may read, view, or hear.