Although the current pandemic is limiting library activities, you can still show your support for the Questa Public Library by joining Friends of the Questa Public Library. Membership contributions to the FQPL make the difference between minimum funding for libraries and excellent services. Please, we need your help. If you are not already a member, consider joining today by calling the library at 575-586-2023.
Because of financial help from the Friends of the Questa Public Library, children, teens, families, and patrons benefited from these exciting programs and services over the past years:
• Monthly “Wild Cat Kiddie Club” for toddlers and parents
• Library field trips for elementary students to get free books and start reading for fun
• New books purchased with $3,000 donated by the Friends
• Summer Reading Programs to keep youths interested in learning and reading
• Wireless internet access
• Hands-on computer classes
• Proceeds from fund-raisers like the QPL Bake Sale, the annual Book Sale and grants vary from year to year.
We rely on your annual membership contribution to sustain our work.
It is a proven fact that public libraries strengthen communities by helping individuals learn and grow. Ask Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey or Sonia Sotomayor — they all found encouragement at their public library. Your membership contribution will go directly to enrichment programs and library materials that help make our community a better place to live and learn. We are counting on your friendship and support!