The first week of serious construction work has gone by quickly! Several workers have been on the job. They dug out the unacceptable(?) dirt and are replacing it with the acceptable (whatever that is!). They dump it, spread it, water it, roll it down, measure it and then do it all again. Zooming in on the attached photos, you would see the soil level is several inches above the level of the sidewalk. Ultimately the new addition will be above the level of the current building by about 12 inches.
We are going to have to do some serious dusting and rearranging in the library soon! I am reminded of living in California when that big roller machine gets close to the front edge of the building. Everything shakes and rattles (including me). The board books are mostly on the floor, the bottle of rubbing alcohol on the metal shelves behind me keeps landing on the floor, and the books on the shelves on the wall behind and above the desk at times become dangerous missiles! And the harder the vibrations the more I find myself laughing. Don’t worry…I am perfectly safe and so grateful that our expansion is really happening. We hope to be linked into the construction site camera soon so you can keep up with the progress. Hurry back for more updates.