Nature Scope: Works by Betsy Irwin and Shera Maher
While their styles and mediums vary widely, both Shera’s inked spirit creatures and Betsy’s gourd work, reflect their nature-focused spirituality.
“I create contemporary art from the oldest plant intentionally grown by humans – gourds,” comments Betsy Irwin. It’s basically woodworking with an advantage – nature provides the artisan a rudimentary vessel to refine.”
“My intention was to create a nature themed story of pen and ink illustrations hinting at the connectedness of the animal world and the unseen realm, with animals acting as messengers between dimensions,” comments Shera Maher.
The opening will be held on February 10th from 2 to 4 pm at the Questa Public Library, 61/2 Municipal Park Rd, Questa. Music provided by Tim Perigo. Refreshments will be served. The show runs through March, 2024.