National Library Week 2019
Libraries have long served as trusted and treasured institutions; evolving in order to serve their communities and to continue to fulfill their role in leveling the playing field for all who seek information and access to technologies; and
Since its founding in 2008, the Questa Public Library has maintained a strong tradition of community. Over the years, Librarians and volunteers have worked to better their communities; and
Libraries continue to work to meet the changing needs of the community, including providing resources for everyone through transformative services, programs and expertise and;
Libraries support a competitive workforce with basic literacy programs, computers and other resources to help children and adults learn to find, evaluate and use information they need for their jobs, health, education and other needs; and
Libraries support democracy and effect social change through their commitment to provide equitable access to information for all library users regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or socioeconomic status; and
We celebrate National Library Week by recognizing the dedicated staff, Volunteers and Friends of the Library members of the Questa Public Library.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark Gallegos, Mayor of the Village of Questa along with the Village Council join all Cities, Towns and Villages across the Country in proclaiming April 7th — 13th 2019 as,